Photo credit: Katrina Wright via Unsplash



Aphasia Simulations

Aphasia Simulations developed by Dr. Hinckley at Nova University, and Keen Research. The purpose of these simulations is to provide some activities that can help you understand what it might be like to have aphasia: Aphasia Simulations.

Supported Conversation for PWA (SCA™)

Developed by Aphasia Institute of Toronto
The goals of SCA™ are:
• Acknowledge the competence of the PWA.
• Help the PWA to reveal his or her competence.
Talking to to your family member: Conversation Basics

SCA™ is a communication method that uses a set of techniques to encourage conversation when working with PWA. Supported Conversation tools.

The Pictographs

ParticiPics is a free, searchable database of pictographic images designed to facilitate life's conversations. The pictographs are specially designed for communicating with PWA and the product of decades of research and experience with people in the aphasia and stroke communities.
ParticiPics is now hosted on the Aphasia Institute Community Hub.


The brain possesses the remarkable capacity to reorganize pathways, create new connections, and, in some cases, even create new neurons - a concept called neuroplasticity or brain plasticity.
• Read What Is Neuroplasticity? article.
• Sentis animation on Neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity PDF

The Growth Mindset


There are emotional impacts from the trauma of stroke and aphasia. After the trauma, there is a feeling of loss, from physical changes, changes in language abilities, and changes in community and social roles. The loss leads to grieving and can become chronic grieving. The emotional impacts can affect communication abilities.
Adopting a growth mindset can help process the trauma and positively affect recovery. Engage in the process of improving.

Keeping a Growth Mindset in Trauma
Growth Mindset for Adult Learners
Emotional Journey in Stroke Recovery

Watch: The power of yet | Carol S Dweck | TEDxNorrköping

Brain Friends Podcast


The Brain Friends podcast is a space for neuro nerds and stroke survivors to talk about all things aphasia, language recovery, and community. Hosted by Dr. D. Seles Gadson, a neuroscientist and speech-language pathologist, and Angie C., 2x stroke survivor and aphasia advocate. Listen, laugh, and learn with these two stakeholders determined to make a difference in aphasia advocacy.
Listen or download the podcast here: LINK

Aphasia Games for Health


A collaboration between professional game designers, academic speech pathologists and the aphasia community to develop games that best serve the needs of the aphasia community.

  • The Ministers Cat: A memory and letter game for 2-6 players.
  • Audition: A memory and improv-game.
  • Do You See What I See: A video chat game for 4-16 players combining storytelling and 20 questions.

Aphasia Community Recommendations: Aphasia Games for Health .